Flora of Serifos

Flora of Serifos

Identify plants species

Serifos topoguide
Serifos: Iris tuberosa

The flora of Serifos reflects the geographic position, the size, the elevation range and the diversity of the biotopes. According to a recent study, the flora of vascular plants of Serifos comprise 680 taxa, including 12 Greek endemics and seven Aegean endemics.

Serifos topoguide
Serifos: Moraea sisyrinchium

Most plants of Serifos are species of Aegean or wider disribution. Due to the long history of intense human impacts (agriculture, grazing, mining) the largest proportion of plants are anthropophytes (plants accidentally introduced into Serifos, where they do not naturally grow). Several species, considered otherwhere as calcicolous, grow on Serifos on granite rock.

Serifos topoguide
Serifos: Romulea bulbocodium

From a hiker's on naturalist's point of view, there are many interesting plants all year round. that there are no interesting plants. In the spring, Serifos is totally green and among a dozen common species (such the vast yellow meadows of Oxalis pes-caprae) we will see large large numbers of Romulea bulbocodium, scattered Irises (Iris tuberosa and Moraea sisyrinchium) and the winter crocus (Crocus laevigatus).

Serifos topoguide
Serifos: Muscari weissi

Ιn the summer, along the beaches, among the small sand dunes raised between the lane of tamarisk trees and the dry walls of the gardens and orchards a bit inland, one can find large groups of Sea daffodils (Pancratium maritimum) and other species of the sandy shore.

Serifos topoguide
Serifos: Scrophularia lucida

Photos and Descriptions of flora species of Serifos are included in the application Serifos topoguide. The application is available for Android devices as well as for iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) by AnaDigit.
The application guides the user to locate the POI with accuracy.