Orchids of Serifos
Orchids of Serifos
Serifos island is covered by an alternation of phrygana and abandoned fields, the former looking more like natural meadows. These habitats are full of wild orchids. Although the diversity of species is not large, orchids are probably the most interesting part of the flora of Serifos.
The orchid flowering period is short in Serifos, due to the limited altitudinal range. Flowering begins in March with thousands of Anacamptis papilionacea hidden inside the phrygana, and continues in April with dozens of Orchis sancta. At the same time, the naturalist will discover some Ophrys bombyliflora, Ophrys_ferrum-equinum and Ophrys tenthredinifera, scattered in small groups along old roads and regenerated fields.
By the end of May we will find locally some more species of the Ophrys genus, as well as at least two species of the genus Serapias, Serapias vomeracea and Serapias orientalis.
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