Flora of Southern Pelion
Flora of South Pelion
The flora of Mt Pelion was never systematically studied. From a synthesis of the sofar known fragmetary records, 620 plant species and subspecies have been recorded.
Furhtermore, as South Pelion vegetation and is dominated by the dense Mediterranean scrub and olive groves, the botanical study of the area fell to a much lower priority and the available information on the flora of South Pelion is scarce.
However, we will find quite interesting species among the phryganic vegetation and the scrub, such as the Greek endemics Nigella arvensis sunsp. aristata, Scorzonera crocifolia, Crepis hellenica etc.
Mt Tisseon flora
The steep southern slope of the Mt Tisseon ridge is home to many rare rock-dwelving plant species, such as Campanula pelia. As the research in South Pelion starts slowly to give its first results, a very rare species of the small shrub meadows, Fritillaria phitosiana, has recently been added.
The flora of Mt Tisseon is largely composed of species of Mediterranean distribution, such as Arabis verna, Veronica cymbalaria, Scrophularia peregrina, the diminutive Myosotis sicula and the brilliant Ranunculus sprunerianus. Others, such as Fumaria rostellata and Gagea graeca, have an East-Balkan, Balkan or Central-European distribution.
South Pelion orchids
The vegetation types of South Pelion are ideal habitats for orchids, especially for the Ophrys genus. Many species have been recorded, the most common being Ophrys ferrum-equinum, Ophrys tenthredinifera and Ophrys lutea and the most interesting being Ophrys helenae, Ophrys mammosa, Ophrys spruneri and Ophrys reinholdii.
Of the other genera, Himantoglossum robertianum and Neotinea lactea, both very early flowering species, are most common.
South Pelion hiking and nature guide
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