Orchids of Mt Pelion

Orchids of Mt Pelion

Mt Pelion: Ophrys reinholdii

In addition to the many interesting or rare species of flora of Mt Pelion, a group of plants that attracts the attention of both botanists and nature lovers, are the orchids. The unique structure of the plant, with the impressive inflorescence that shines in the landscape, surely makes stop more than one hikers.

The more rich habitat in terms both of species and population is the bush and phrygana zone, from the sea level to the edges of the mountain forest. In contrary, the beech forest is the poorest in variety of orchids; however, in this zone grow several species that prefer the shade and the moisture of the mature woodland.

Ophrys genus

Mt Pelion
Mt Pelion: Ophrys helenae

Among the many representatives of the genus Ophrys in Mt Pelion, the unusual species stand out, such as Ophrys helenae and Ophrys reinholdii. Ophrys helenae is one of the most impressive orchids, due to its particularly large cherry-red rim.

Orchis genus

Mt Pelion
Mt Pelion: Orchis italica

Most members of the genus Orchis grow on the edge between the rocky areas and the forest or the tall shrub, a transitional zone that is very common in Pelion. Orchis italica probably is the most famous member of the genus. Its compact inflorescence has many flowers that look like a man with a tail or a supernatural phallus (in ancient times the plant was called "Satyrion" because of its resemblance to the Satyrs, the erect companions of Dionysus). The color of the flowers varies from bright pink to almost white.

The early orchids

Mt Pelion
Mt Pelion: Neotinea lactea

Flowering of Neotinea lactea begins in February and lasts until May. This short but beautiful plant grows in open places such as meadows, phrygana and shrubs.

Mt Pelion
Mt Pelion: Himantoglossum robertianum

Himantoglossum robertianum blossoms even earlier than Neotinea lactea. Known under its common name Giant orchid, it is very common at low altitudes and especially in coastal areas. Predominantly a species of the Mediterranean zone, it extends its zone to the north (recently recorded in the South of France), possibly as a result of rising average temperatures and climate change.

Text and photos: T. Adamakopoulos

topoguide Greece


The 4 hiking guides of Mt Pelion
Photos and decriptions of dozens of flora species of Mt Pelion are included in the 5 topoguides, which cover the areas of North, Central, East, West and South Pelion.

North Pelion topoguide, Central Pelion topoguide, West Pelion topoguide, East Pelion topoguide και South Pelion topoguide are the only guides for the respective areas and include detailed multi-scale maps up to 1:2,500, multi-page chapters on the geography, history and nature of the areas, hundreds active Points of Interest and dozens of hiking trails, which actively navigate the hiker in the intricate relief of this beautiful place.

The four guides for Mt Pelion are available for Android devices along with dozens of guides of other regions of Greece, within the hiking application topoguide Greece. Get the Pelion guides as an in-app purchase through the application.

The four guides for Mt Pelion are also available for iOS (iPhone και iPad) devices within the hiking application Topoguide Greece. Get the Pelion guides as an in-app purchase via the application.

The guides of Mt Pelion are members in the group of Central Greece. topoguide Greece provides active navigation along the hikes and helps the hiker to return to the route if he deviates from it.

It is very interesting that topoguide Greece has the ability to simultaneously display many areas, thus allowing the overall view of the detailed map of the whole of Mt Pelion and the easy alternation of the routes, the Points Of Interest and the dozens of pages of the guide with the countless photos.