

The geomorphology of the Greek - Aegean area was constantly changing in the past, as a result of more general geological redevelopments. Subsidences and elevations, seismic phenomena and fluctuations of the sea level, inextricably linked to the evolution of the climate, have defined the present form of the Aegean and the wider greek area.

The complex geodynamic processes of the last 1,000,000 - 700,000 years responsible for the geological evolution of Greece, can be divided into two periods, the oldest alpine and the newer, post-alpine.

The different types of geological formations and rocks prevailing in Greece, with specific lithological features and peculiarities, ages and geotechnical creation environment, combined with the geological and climatic processes, resulted in the formation of the existing topography, the development of great geological diversity and the creation of sites of great geological and geomorphological value, the so-called geoforms.