Flora of Elafonisi-Sougia area

Flora of Elafonisi-Sougia area

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Elafonisi-Sougia area topoguide
Flora of Elafonisi-Sougia area
Phoenix theophrastii

SW Crete hosts an important part of the island's botanical treasure. Extensive slopes covered with phrygana host many of the common species occuring in Crete, while rocky cliffs and sand dunes are the main habitats hosting the most interesting (endemic and rare) plants.

Elafonisi-Sougia topoguide
Flora of Elafonisi-Sougia area
Anacamptis fragrans
Elafonisi-Sougia topoguide
Flora of Elafonisi-Sougia area
Centaurea pumilio
Elafonisi-Sougia topoguide
Flora of Elafonisi-Sougia area
Dracunculus vulgaris

Rare trees, such as the coastal juniper Juniperus macrocarpa and the Phoenix theophrasti palm, strictly protected species, such as the winter lily Androcymbium rechingeri and the dittany, Origanum dictamnus, local endemic plants such as the sea lavender of Elafonisi Limonium elaphonisicum, accompany common phrygana shrubs, elegant annual herbs and attractive bulbs.

Elafonisi-Sougia topoguide
Flora of Elafonisi-Sougia area
Ranunculus asiaticus
Elafonisi-Sougia topoguide
Flora of Elafonisi-Sougia area
Ophrys heldreichi

Photos and descriptions of species of the flora of Elafonisi-Sougia area are included in the app Elafonisi-Sougia topoguide, available for Android devices, as well as for iOS iOS devices (iPhone και iPad). The application guides the user to locate the plants with accuracy.